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My wife might be right! Maybe I do have too many Airframes!

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Excellent choice - I really must get mine back in the air again, but it has a fixed undercarriage so doesn't really look as nice in flight as the hand launched version.


Oh and your wife is mistaken, it's not possible to have too many airframes Especially Balsacraft ones. 🙂

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My dad used to say to me "if it keeps you off the streets son, build as many as you like".

Good advice 🤣

He certainly financed them all in my early years, when the 'incident' rate was high


Edited by Futura57
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Whatever you do don't do as I did.
I wrote a spreadsheet listing all my models, then left it open on the computer screen when I went down to the garage/ up in the attic to see if I had missed any.  I came back to find all sorts of uninvited and uncomplimentary comments had been added...  😲

Fortunately it was all lighthearted, as my girlfriend is very supportive, for which I am very grateful. 🥰


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I understand the problem, lucky my wife has an issue with shoes and has quite a collection! The problem is what do you do with old airframes as you get nothing for them other than moans on how bad they fly! My wife biggest worry is that there must be space for her car in the garage, luck she is thin as the wall does have some airframes!



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12 hours ago, Chris Walby said:

Looks ok to me and well organised. My late wife supported me in my hobby as I supported her in hers.

Still not quite sure what to do with TJ?



At least model aeroplane don't keep going for 30 years!

Chris, Presumably at the venerable age of 30, TJ would take exception at being asked to launch gliders like the horse in this video?  ULF-1 horse-launched glider

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