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Spring is here again - who's been flying?

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The majority of what we purchase for our models originates from China or the Far East.


The retail purchase price in the UK is determined by and large by the retailer needing to make a profit (after all costs), and the Governments taxes (vat, any duties and handling charges). It is not due to the so called subsidies or dumping allegations. The business model of Ali baba and even Amazon, now pays the requisite duty, to the UK (Customs and Excise), any agents in the Far East, whilst cutting out UK middle persons (whoops that should be man). Now we see a substantially lower prise.


One of our problems is that we are now a niche hobby, of low numbers.


In the mean time I am getting ready a number of my models for tomorrow.

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Braw morning up here 20 degrees by mid morning, fluffy clouds, blue skies, but a variable, sometimes blustery crosswind. It was beautiful at 5:30, with a perfect mackerel sky,  and not a breath of wind, but the wind had got up by 10:30-ish when I got to the field. Managed to fit in a few hours of pleasant low key flying and blethering, but with that crosswind it wasn't the morning for a maiden of my replacement PZ FW190, that will wait for another day. Great fun with the SU-27 prop-in-a-slot Flanker just hovering and making high alpha descents into wind, plus beating up the strip with my venerable PZ Spitfire. An unexpected bonus today, as the forecast was for much stronger winds than that and I couldn't fit in a trip to the slope.



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Lovely day to be out. Unusually there wasn't a breath of wind down the old runway.




My windsock is static unlike yours LF!. When there was any wind it was barely 2 mph as a crosswind ESE so even I can handle that one! 😊

I had a very successful session still adjusting the Capiche by degrees ........ almost there now - even the pilot complained of a hot backside so off came the canopy straight away.! 




Aaaah .......   Happy days ✈️ 👍

Edited by Adrian Smith 1
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1 hour ago, ken anderson. said:

Just back from BMRC site...two days in a row I hear think....Vera and her crew are down our sea front doing some filming for her last two episodes..


Ken Anderson...ne...1....Vera dept/Pet.


Would she not have been a bit warm in her hat and coat today pet?

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I'm currently sitting on Epsom Downs after three very enjoyable flights of my bargain Bipablast. A gentle breeze is blowing from the East and the only other remaining club member is flying his very expensive 7kg carbon fibre glider in virtual triangles at 500 to 600 metres. Once again my F22 Raptor was a disappointment, giving a little over 3 minutes of average performance on a 4S 2200 lipo.  It's got to be worth £100 to somebody. Only 6 flights old.


I should have brought the sun cream20240510_162345.thumb.jpg.0582f7e91fe77ad64f3f9f85876c5eed.jpg20240510_125459.thumb.jpg.517c611a53c0b47fe198f837ae733ca0.jpg

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Leprechaun day yesterday. Almost dead calm which helps. It’s always enjoyable although I can never decide what this model is - soarer, sportster, vintage looker, or a bit of each - but it caught a few upward draughts after a motor burst and stayed up for nearly 10 mins. 
Anyone got one? What do you do with yours? 




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Posted (edited)

Had a lovely few hours in the sunshine, near the East Coast of Gods Own County..... 


The Double Trouble, baby FW190, SE5 and Wotty had an outing. All well except for the exhaust falling off the Wot4! Had problems with it rotating and pointing rubbish at the fuselage and hoped I'd fixed it. Obviously not!  I doubt I'll see it again....


Steve fpv'd his Flightline Spitfire and his Edge (Arrows I think) - must have had some good views of the Gulls and Buzzards.


Prospective new member Ben came along, and I buddy boxed him for 5 incident free flights. "Not as easy as on a sim" he declared. Hopefully he will turn into an actual member.


Came home with  pink head, and arms. Has to wear my hat and long sleeved shirt to garden...


Tomorrow looks good but I'll be away preparing some Gnats to be shot at!



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Posted (edited)

This is Ben, using one of the clubs Apprentice trainers, being buddy-boxed by one of our club members who is willing to spend time instructing/supporting.....


He's aware that subsequent sessions will be more structured, and not just flying around to get a feel for it!



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More ic flying today, first time out since last summer for the Chipmunk, Laser 100 run very well, relaxed flying as opposed to the scream around the sky Acrowot, which also has many flights today. Can't build Tempests when the weather is good. 


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Bit more practice for my new aerobatic schedule today.  Wind slightly across the runway and blowing out but the wind was quite strong and gusty low down.  Just strong at height!  It's been some time since I flew in a strong wind so this was good practice although the results left a great deal to be desired!   Although the colour scheme looks identical to Phil's Epilogue this one is an Anthem.



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On 10/05/2024 at 13:22, leccyflyer said:

Braw morning up here 20 degrees by mid morning, fluffy clouds, blue skies, but a variable, sometimes blustery crosswind. It was beautiful at 5:30, with a perfect mackerel sky,  and not a breath of wind, but the wind had got up by 10:30-ish when I got to the field. Managed to fit in a few hours of pleasant low key flying and blethering, but with that crosswind it wasn't the morning for a maiden of my replacement PZ FW190, that will wait for another day. Great fun with the SU-27 prop-in-a-slot Flanker just hovering and making high alpha descents into wind, plus beating up the strip with my venerable PZ Spitfire. An unexpected bonus today, as the forecast was for much stronger winds than that and I couldn't fit in a trip to the slope.




You should remember that mackerel skies and mare's tails make tall ships carry short sails 🙂


No flying today because of a Covid vaccination booster and none tomorrow because we're off to Cadwell Park to see a long time friend's son race his BMW sidecar outfit.  I've known young Steve since he was a toddler but we've lost touch recently so it'll be good to see them all.  Apparently he usually wins!  He's probably as mad as his dad was.

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11 hours ago, Geoff S said:


You should remember that mackerel skies and mare's tails make tall ships carry short sails 🙂


No flying today because of a Covid vaccination booster and none tomorrow because we're off to Cadwell Park to see a long time friend's son race his BMW sidecar outfit.  I've known young Steve since he was a toddler but we've lost touch recently so it'll be good to see them all.  Apparently he usually wins!  He's probably as mad as his dad was.

I've been reliably informed on the t'internet that there's no such thing as mackerel skies, it's just a made up term and that what you are actually looking at is intense chemtrail activity. Seriously.

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Bit too knackered to post yesterday, what with windburn and sunburn and lots of running about. Anyway, it was our club's annual Breakfast Fly In, where we all meet up for a traditional breakfast at Morrisons then head to the field for a day of fun. The preamble didn't get off to the best of starts, in terms of setting the mood, due to being held up in a massive queue behind a phalanx of Lycra clad no-marks riding three abreast on a major route with lots of double white lines. I'd run out of Lycra-seeking missiles before getting anywhere near the venue.


Post breakfast the field was looking resplendent, but there was a brisk 12mph blustery wind, albeit it pretty much straight down the strip. We had a very good turnout - 15 of us, which is close to 50% of the membership - and lots of models of all types on show. It was also the club's EDF competition, so there was a fair representation of jets. Highlights of the day included the successful maiden flight of Murat's WR FW190 and I'm sure that he was very pleased with getting the first few flights under his belt - she really looks the part in the air against those blue skies and fluffy clouds. Pictured here on climb out and patrolling the flak tower on Scolty Hill and after a safe, soft landing. Lovely job Murat. 😎









It was the first time I'd seen my pal Derek's FA18 Hornet, which had her maiden flight on Friday and lifted the EDF trophy by popular acclaim. 



The wind was even stronger and lumpier a hundred feet up and a few flyers fell foul of the dreaded downwind turn syndrome, resulting in a couple of search and recover wreckage missions in that downind turn graveyard off to the right. Club chairman Steve's private jet suffered the worst damage, but I'm sure that he'll repair her to fly again and I must say that she looked so real on the climb out.




I'd intended to remaiden my Balsacraft Hurricane and Flightline Spitfire IX but my earlier bottle-building flights suggested that would be a bad idea in the conditions. AS it was I managed to hit the ground five times with what were not bad hand launches, just literally dashed to the ground. The only damage was to pride and snapping the nose off my profile prop-in-a-slot Su37 SuperFlanker. Did get a flight in with my Westfield F-86 Sabre - though even that hit the deck hard on the first hand launch - which I hadn't flown in some years. All in all a grand day out and it's brilliant to be back in shirt sleeves, now that Spring has finally arrived up here.

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5 minutes ago, Eric Robson said:

Well done Murat, FW190 looks great, good photos. Brian you must spend less time looking at Lycra and concentrate on hand launches 

Ah, Eric, I'm mostly not the one doing the hand launches and they were decent launches - luckily got away with several ground impacts. With the wee Fatty 109 I found the best way was underarm, below the waist and then climb out of the turbulent air lower down - launching at head height was actually more difficult. The SU37 just got grabbed under the wing and went sideways from the launch tumbling to the deck.

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I'm going to be biased and say that I love the first shot of Murat's Fw190 climbing away into "tropical " skies .

That paint job really looks the part and is rarely done .  I still have a GWS 190 that I painted in the same scheme . 

Well done Murat . You've done me proud . 

BTW , is it possible that the "lumpy" winds are related to Scottish porridge ? 

Southerners buy thier's from Waitrose in little sachets , hence no lumps.

Just a thought . 

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