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Spring is here again - who's been flying?

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Beautiful day up here, sunny, warm, blue skies, fluffy clouds, very light easterly wind so it would have been rude not to go flying.



Great fun was had, just three of us there but a good variety of models flown, mostly perfectly. In early pre-preparation for Pontefract Vintage Meeting in July I broke out my Little Mo, which isn't strictly vintage, but is the closest thing that I have to a Sharkface at the moment. That was a barrel of laughs as usual, totally manic from the handlaunch until throttled back then good as gold and very nimble.


One downside was that I got the belly landing all wrong on my Spitfire XIX , no excuse, as conditions were good, just pure pilot error and not enough elevator to flare properly. She hit the deck with wings level, but hard enough for a good loud crack and she's now got a pronounced anhedral. 😞 Looks repairable, Category B(2), but the top sheeting will have to come off the centre section to investigate.

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3 hours ago, Ron Gray said:

Nice flight time with the Corsair Eric.


Yes, we timed it just right, we had 32mm rain in 30 mins!

Final flight with the new batteries was 15 minutes 20sec  29% left. I was on cruise most of the flight. I hear you had some good flying at O.W. I used to go there a lot when living down South. 

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Old Warden was fun, it was a bit cold in the morning but it got warmer as the day progressed. I only had one flight with the Giant Revolver as the spinner developed a crack, so it was left to the Mustang to fly the flag!

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You know they sometimes show downpours in tropical regions......... it's like that on the East Coast of Gods Own County this morning. Ponds topped up nicely.


We were supposed to be doing taster flights for a primary school STEM club this afternoon ..

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Missed my opportunity to edit!


The mini pond outside the house is filling up nicely too. 


A while ago, our neighbours  electricity went off. Seven engineers from the power company visited, in 4 vans. Eventually a man with an electricity divining rod pronounced something was broken just outside my front garden. Four power engineers stood around for a while chatting, in the sun. A truck and mini excavator arrived, as did another van, totalling 5 workmen. One man dug a hole with the  mini excavator - watched and advised by all the others. One man jumped in the hole and fixed a big cable by adding a giant connector - all the others watched and gave helpful advice.  After an hour or so, 1 man put a thin layer of soil back in the hole, watched by the others.  Another man then erected a plastic fence, watched by the others. This included one of those yellow boards they put over holes - pretty useless as the hole is bordered on one side by my fence, and another by a steep banking of brambles; the board was placed carefully against the fence to prevent anyone leaping into my garden. Very helpful. They all left. This all took about 9 hours, the electricity being back on after about 5 - and has remained on since.


A few days later, a man arrived with a camera, and took lots of pictures of the fence and the 'mostly hole'. Several hours later, 2 men arrived with a mini excavator, and mostly filled in the hole, quite neatly. They left, taking the heavy yellow metal sheet.


Yesterday, 2 men arrived with a mini excavator and removed most of the soil again....... electricity is still on, no power engineers have been seen. The soil that was in the hole has been replaced by water.


It all seems rather labour intensive.

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2 hours ago, GrumpyGnome said:

Missed my opportunity to edit!


The mini pond outside the house is filling up nicely too. 


A while ago, our neighbours  electricity went off. Seven engineers from the power company visited, in 4 vans. Eventually a man with an electricity divining rod pronounced something was broken just outside my front garden. Four power engineers stood around for a while chatting, in the sun. A truck and mini excavator arrived, as did another van, totalling 5 workmen. One man dug a hole with the  mini excavator - watched and advised by all the others. One man jumped in the hole and fixed a big cable by adding a giant connector - all the others watched and gave helpful advice.  After an hour or so, 1 man put a thin layer of soil back in the hole, watched by the others.  Another man then erected a plastic fence, watched by the others. This included one of those yellow boards they put over holes - pretty useless as the hole is bordered on one side by my fence, and another by a steep banking of brambles; the board was placed carefully against the fence to prevent anyone leaping into my garden. Very helpful. They all left. This all took about 9 hours, the electricity being back on after about 5 - and has remained on since.


A few days later, a man arrived with a camera, and took lots of pictures of the fence and the 'mostly hole'. Several hours later, 2 men arrived with a mini excavator, and mostly filled in the hole, quite neatly. They left, taking the heavy yellow metal sheet.


Yesterday, 2 men arrived with a mini excavator and removed most of the soil again....... electricity is still on, no power engineers have been seen. The soil that was in the hole has been replaced by water.


It all seems rather labour intensive.

Not their worry, we are footing the bill. A bit like how many electricians to change a light bulb. 

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Just 30 mins ago, a lorry with a grabber turned up, picked up the stuff left by the side of the hole, and put it in a pile at the back of the lorry. Then they filled the hole with substrate from the front of the lorry. Very neat, about 3" below street level. Presumably ready for some tarmac when it's dry enough....

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Posted (edited)

Three days ago I flew my super light Depron Douglas Skyray making use of the really calm weather but ideal for an EDF with a "glider" wing loading of just 5oz/sqft.

Nice flight but it did not end that well. Entirely my own fault. 


Almost certainly too slow and at the same time too big an aileron input on the final turn. Oops!

Never mind all mended now.


Edited by Simon Chaddock
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Grumpy, It is the same story wherever you live, all the amenities require substantial supervision, amenities, and a CPA (critical path analysis) with multiple hold points. Just like the joke of how many ..........................................


Our upgraded (rebuilt road) has still not opened, still on track, in its 2 year programme, after 4 years, revised to lower scope (deleted spur), County Council time limited part of fund withdrawn, Boris Johnson replacing and supplanting the withdrawn funds, the contribution from a house builder also withdrawn (when the spur was deleted) as the housing limit would not be reached. Now our MP has resigned, due to a event that has made national news (the ironies is that the road would never have reached its current stage without his push) now there is a pending General election. And still no road, yet cycle lane roadworks has further increased difficulties for the locals (mostly for born again holiday cyclists, this aged once upon a time cyclist, cannot believe there behaviour quite often.


Ah who has been flying? I made it on Saturday, all by my lonesome. Sunday I could barely get in our car park, the whole of the club was there, so it seemed. For me a good day, my rebuilt Wot 4e (new ply body) has flown successfully for the first time. Just took a new motor, 9g ( metal geared servos). As a precaution I had taken 3 other models (often flown). The sun beat down mercilessly. Went home, went to my daughters for dinner. A really successful no work for me day.


Yesterday and today continuous rain with high winds.

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A handful of us were down at Thirsk MFC this morning, enjoying bright sunshine and a fitful, warm breeze.
Young Elliott whizzed around proving how ready he is for his A test, while dad Paul ripped up the strip with his own-design Hurricane. My Super Cub pootled along at a genteel pace - throttle changes the noise level but little else.
Fun times. 😃


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Posted (edited)

Good day yesterday - several hours at the field yesterday, with flying chum Kev P. We flew, chatted, drank coffee, mowed........


Today was the first Gnats shoot of the season. It went really well, with just one Gnat casualty. 


Raining now......

Edited by GrumpyGnome
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Got a couple of hours in today, nice warm day with a moderate breeze at first which got much stronger and more blustery later on, but had some decent flights and a nice relaxing afternoon. Looks like tomorrow is going to be very wet, so you have to take your chances when you can.

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A first for me, I put my P47 together less its cockpit, checked it all out and turned on the radio, and that 'magic smoke' filled the fuselage !,

turning the radio off did nothing, so I got a rag and ripped the battery wires from it, a good job that I still do preflight checks with the plane open and not fuelled up,

a lesson to all.

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Posted (edited)

No flying for me today so a bit of mower maintenance called for. I recently bought a ride-on mower jack to clean under the mower. I am glad I did.




There was rather a lot of congealed grass underneath. I am surprised any grass found it's way into the rear bin when cutting the strip!



Glad I did that. 😀

Edited by Adrian Smith 1
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Surrounded on all sides by rain but managed to get an hour's thermaling in with my Lentus before the big red blob on the left closed in. As expected mega lift all round in the unstable air and also had a flock of Swallows for company.

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I snuck an hour in at 7:15 before the wind and rain arrived. There was sun, but more like 7°!


Flew my Parkzone SE5, my Flightline Sea Fury, and Arrows Hawk. In that order. A bit of a historic timeline. No pictures - too busy flying before chores.


Unsurprisingly, just wildlife for company.




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16 hours ago, Erfolg said:

Does the Southport club fly at Woodvale, or somewhere else.


Will the Woodvale event ever return?

Southport MAC fly at the Leisure Lakes just off the A565 road to Preston.We can also fly off Ainsdale beach with a permit(no turbines).


Woodvale hasn`t run for many years now.I think yes the RAF used some excuse about asbestos ?


It did move to Victoria Park in Southport for a few years,but I don`t think it has been on since 2018,but it was nothing like the Woodvale event. 





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