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How long does it takes to complete a typical ARTF?

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Depends - like Bob says. The last one I built assembled arrived in a big box on the Tuesday morning and was ready in plenty of time for flying on the next available flying day - Saturday. So I've voted 3 days.

It was quick because, a) I wanted to fly it at the weekend and b) I'd assembled the same model a year or so earlier.

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This is a question where there is not one answer, or even a viable range.

At one extreme I have ARTF models which have taken me weeks, such as my Nito Planes Dornier 335, and HK Bf 110. At the other end is the HK Arcus a matter of 1/2 of one hour, that is 30 minutes, as a max.

I have a Black Horse Gilmore Special, where most of the time is putting on the transfers,

I am not sure what sence you can make of this question, given the various takes on ARTF.

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How long is a piece of string?

I've got a Kyosho P-51D Mustang that was bought in 2002, started in 2004 and is still not finished more than 10 years later.

My record though has to be my ACT Me163 Komet that has been 90% finished for even longer than that - all but ready to fly in 2001 and still hasn't flown yet.

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I spend one month on average ,because there are a lot of things on the ARTF to be replaced ... servos, esc, screws with locknut and many things to correct for the manufacturer ,especially from the Far East but price is acceptable. ..although at the end of such models achieve price of Precision Aerobatics products...indecision
So far I've spent the most time and money on HK, MX-2 where only the fuselage and wings.... look nice

MX-2 -HK

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I agree that I can't put a time on the exercise - it varies so much depending on such factors as the model complexity, design, supplied fittings, modifications, urgency etc.

Having said that, I've probably built at least one model from plans (Nigel Hawes Revamp) faster than my quickest ARTF assembly - started on a Tuesday evening and flew it (which helped the paint dry) on the Thursday afternoon...

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Apart from a few foamies I've only put one ARTF together, a Maher's Thunderbird, which was also my first petrol powered model and it took several weeks to get it right. OTOH I inadvertently put my Riot foamie in a about 30 minutes the evening I bought it at a show. I was just messing about to see where everything went and it was assembled 'Just like that!" I did a few mods later but it was ready to go in a very short time.

It really does depend on the ARTF. Some of the bigger scale models can take a very long time.


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No "Average" possible.

My ARTFs tend to be long lived (famous last words) so here's a "from memory" list, pretty much all done in stages with gaps so days not relevant..

H9 Tango - 3 Hours

H9 Twist 40 - 4 Hours (everything was a poorer fit and plus an hour fixing by keyhole surgery a far too soft rear Fus strake)

Avicraft (JP) Panic - 4 Hours plus another hour to apply chequer graphics to the white

Ripmax Spitfire - 2 Hours (then another two when I found that the ply used for the motor mount had the strength of wet cardboard and de-laminated, breaking the cowl, which my LMS was unable to order despite Ripmax listing stock))

Dreamflight Libelle - 5 Hours (over an hour to set up the radio!)

Durafly AutoG-2 - 30 mins plus another hour to balance the three blade rotor

A lot of my planes have been bought second hand, many from kits, and on these I can spend a long time fettling (and sometimes correcting!)

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For people who say there is no answer to this survey or can't be exact, just think average or typical times. The reason I suggested this survey was to get an idea of how "optimistic" the marketing is on these things. I've had good and bad examples and amongst the bad ones there have been bits that simply will not work/fit as per instructions - this could mean long delays for the less experienced.

I put 1 month which covers all my experiences except the Escale Seafire which is now into the 6 months region because I've completely lost interest in it - far too much wrong with the retracts so spoilt the experience

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I put a WM Mustang together in one evening - mainly because all the holes are drilled, control surfaces fitted and already pinned and it was only bolting things together, fit engine, cut cowling and glue wings and tailplane on.

Others took longer, longest was a YT Spit, which has some issues, being fiberglass and fitting problems - also made the tail dual elevator, as a single pushrod is wrong for a 120 size warbird.

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Well I checked the 3 days option, but I guess really it SHOULD be one day. But when I look at the 'Devilspawn' otherwise known as the 'Hardware bag' , find the control rods are too tight, the elevator TOTALLY out of alignment (RIOT) I now have a trade off between rectifying it or taking it back to the LMS.

Generally with Blackhorse or Seagull, they go together a lot quicker"

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