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Never mind the weather - who has been flying, then?

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Out at 10:00 in sub-zero temperature. Worm casts and moss frozen solid.....


Fired up the CAP - proving the carb waa the problem. Time to learn a new skill and service/fix it. Throttle servo (which was replaced a couple of days ago), dancing around making the engine sound lije an F1 car playing God Save The King.. .. I'll replace the metal pushrod with a nylon snake. Had to fly my W4, which was great in the calm, blue sky. Taxiing and taking off was fun as it charged down the runway like Bambi on ice. Landings were pretty unforgiving too.


KP had brought his Hellcat for a rare outing, but as usual, he forgot something pretty critical - the wing tube. My CAP tubenproves to be a few mm too long, so the Hellcat was packed away again. He too was left with one model to fly - his Decathlin (called The Phoenix as it refuses to stay dead...)


Great flying, interspersed with nice coffee, and usual eclectic conversation.


After about 3 hours of flying in sub-zero temps, with actual flights getting shorter and shorter as our blood got thicker and thicker due to cold, we called it a day. Grand!


Weather forecasts looking good from Friday onwards... fingers crossed.


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Busy morning - 3 of us at the field for some lovely, and interesting flying....


KP flew his bargain used Mustang (Black Horse we think) now he's binned the servos and clevices. Now he just needs to change the wing hold down nuts, and swap the engine for a better one and he'll be sorted! He also flew his Decathlon and had a lucky escape when an aileron servo cable and receiver parted company mid-flight.


KM brought his 'small' aerobat amd we were treated to lots of overshoots as he got used to the lack of wind.


My CAP continies to have throttle servo issues - replacing the metal rod with a nylon one has helped, but it still seems to suffer from interference. Just the throttle servo. I'll try a different cdi next.... or move it. The Evo engine my W4 sounded a bit sickly, but was fixed with a new plug.


After 3 hours, we decided to flee the sub-zero temperature, and grass runway that is akin to ripply concrete!


Back tomorrow I expect....



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It seems that I am not the only club member who has not been to our field site since before Christmas. However down at the club indoor social meeting, it was a different matter.


Our Chairman had organised a build and fly, chuck glider competition. Build materials were supplied in the form of Depron, balsa, bamboo skewers, card material, disposable craft scalpels, cutting mats and Cyno. Pretty comprehensive I thought.


you may be thinking how did you get on building didn't. Why, indecisive and an aversion to Cyno.


How did the comp go, well, some one won, then there was the 20 or so losers. Observing the models and their results, there was no clear, yes, that is the way to go, a sure winner. Separated by fractions of a second, so it appeared.


All to soon, due to the Icey and freezing conditions members departed for home. I finished my pint, made my way to the car, switched on the windscreen, rear screen, heated seat and waited for the car to prepare itself, before heading home.

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Freezing again today with -7 degrees overnight, a hard frost and had warmed up to -1 degree by lunchtime. Just three of us at the field with perfect flying conditions, Superb flying the wee fellas in formation against that big blue sky, with the moon gradually getting brighter, Our field faces north, so the very bright low sun was behind us and lit up the paintwork on the models really nicely. Unfortunately my memory card in the camera was full, so had to settle for a short iPhone video clip of Bob's repaired Buchon.


Also flew the tiny EPP pusher Sukhoi SU-27s , as a pair, which are proving to be great fun - quite different to fly, with just differential thrust from the twin pusher props - no elevator. For less than fifteen quid all in and typically about a 7-8 minute flight the bang per penny is excellent. Haven't managed a kill yet, but they are extremely stable and nice to fly. A good outing for my FMS Super Cub, that I've introduced as a winter hack replacement for the Wot-4 Foam-E and it's turning out quite well. Forecast is good for a repeat performance tomorrow.



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That's a shame...


Beautiful day on East Riding Of Yorkshire Coast.................... =3 on arrival but glorious blue sky with fluffy white clouds.  Grass defrosted by about 11:00 leaving just our rippled concrete style runway!


Busy day for us - 4 flyers.


KP flew his 'cheapo winter hack' Mustang, having completely stripped and rebuilt the engine yesterday afternoon. Started first twiddle of the starter and ran beautifully. His fat and heavy little Hellcat got an outing as well. Lovely looking but challenging to land well apparently.

PT brought his little Aeroscout to see if he remembered what stick does what. He remembered just fine.

KM brought his 'small' Pilot aerobat, and his much bigger Edge 540. Both very drool-worthy.... (hopefully a video of this will arrive soon)

I flew my Wot. As usual. Also brought my CAP, having replaced the cdi from a Stinger 10cc side exhaust, with an older cdi from a Stinger 10cc rear exhaust. No more interference. Weird. I can do final assembly and maiden now.


We also had a visit of three coppers in a big 4x4. Bit OTT to check our Op and Flyer IDs I thought............... seems they'd spotted us and came to watch for a while. They stopped for about 30 mins chatting and watching, then left us to it.....



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Blue sky, no wind Messerschmitt day flew two 109's, bent my Wot4 putting up in 6ft off the ground inverted. Thought I would see what my Warbirds 110 would be like with a single 3s 5000 battery up front just a  taxi to get a feel of the power. 2nd taxi up the strip and off it went, one leg didn't retract fully, after a few circuits I decided to belly land on the snow. The timer didn't work so I guessed about 3 mins flight there was 75% left in the battery. As I was on my own no flying photos. Pity as Mark who had his head cam had gone earlier.




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6 hours ago, Eric Robson said:




I saw recently that there's another version of that little '109 (with the differential thrust) in a different paint scheme, as well as a Spitfire that looks somewhat like the Volantex version.  Was always tempted to get one just for fun.

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Brilliant news on the successful maiden flight Eric 😎👍


Cracking afternoon's flying up here,  cold and frosty, but flat calm - just lacking the bright sun and big blue skies of yesterday. A good turn out with seven of us there, sat around blethering between flights. Remembered to take the DX7 as well today, so was able to give the ancient BVR Tucano a couple of flights. Couple of mass launches with up to six of the wee fellas in the air at a time - couple of mid airs but no damage and the video glasses worked just fine, tracking well. The video of the whole flight is too big to post, but there's a link to a short version below.





I was impressed with clubmate Mike's flat plate profile depron Eurofighter Typhoon, which had the most amazing flight envelope, especially the extended inverted falling leaf style slow descent and the slowest and lowest of high alpha passes. Profile prop in a slot models are popular in the club and it sounds like a few more of these will soon appear.




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1 hour ago, Daren Cogdon said:


I saw recently that there's another version of that little '109 (with the differential thrust) in a different paint scheme, as well as a Spitfire that looks somewhat like the Volantex version.  Was always tempted to get one just for fun.

My son bought it for me, I  think from Ali express, he said it was about £25. It is mode 2 whereas I fly mode 1. After closing the throttle whilst going for up elevator, I mentally glued my left thumb to the side of the tranny, after that I managed quite well.


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Another braw day - that's three in a row - albeit a bit murkier, but warmer than recent bitter days and a decent turn out. Another day for pusher and prop in a slot "jets" with up to four in the air at a time. Gave a rare outing to my Hobbyking Su-35, which is the noisiest of those models that I have, but unfortunately doesn't have the space to move the slot away from the prop by even a few mm, which would make it quieter.

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