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The Big Question ?


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2 hours ago, RICHARD WILLS said:

The kit version may arrive in January /February .

Another winter VLOG in the workshop then! Fortunately I anticipated that and have just installed a diesel heater and I'm also completely re-arranging the workshop (all heavy machinery has now been sold!!!!!)

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The reason I put this photo of Pauls up again is because my favourite aeroplane is ..............

the 109.  Sorry everyone , Ive learn't over the years I'm in a minority . Paul is bringing the 109 to Buck at the weekend . 

Now this is interesting because it exemplifies how the whole Warbirds thing works . 

I and my Puppet friends are effectively a one man (and two pets) business . I am also probably the least known British designer and manufacturer of long standing 30+ years.

I met Paul , like a lot of my now close friends , through him buying a Spitfire . What better filter for genuine like minded people? Over the last few years he has become even more valuable by teaching himself 3D design . I have supplied him with the equipment and he does the studying that I dont have time for . 

His model above , does me a great honour . It looks like the best static display 1:24 Airfix kit anyone could make and yet it flies ! 

I now have a close friend on my side who listens to my latest crazy idea and assists by chipping in now and again but more importantly , creating 3d models of what I am thinking . 

Together we are now in a stronger position to carry on creating more new products , when most others are giving up . 

Look at the number of new designs Warbirds have released in the last few years . 

The reason behind our "success" is complicated . I am mostly retired and although I need Warbirds to at least make a little money to justify all of the time I put in , it runs very efficiently . Mostly because it's my passion . I do have to lay out considerable amounts in advance of a project before the money (hopefully) comes back in . 

Do the sums on 80 kits at trade price plus all the accessories needed to keep my gang happy !

I'm not loaded as you will probably know . 

You all may know that a couple of years ago I was going to stop as the market seemed dead as a doornail . 

But this is where you all come in . Its all about contact and information that this wonderful forum makes possible . My growing band of followers provides excellent feedback , enthusiasm and in many cases experimentation . I have made some very good friends on here and hope to make more . 

In turn , many have helped me keep the new projects coming , Ron Gray , Eric "the Professor ", Graham Davies , Graham R and in fact pretty much everyone Ive spoken to on the phone has given me something . Views , thoughts , wishes . These are all to be listened to . Ignore at your peril , designer!

As a company Warbirds may not be successful , since it makes little money , but that isnt the only measure on both side of the counter . 

I'd like to think that a whole community has been built around the Warbirds Designs , I look forward to meeting a few more faces next weekend . I will be there on an informal basis . Apparently Manny has allocated some hanger space for me , but I am not interested in a trade stand . I am much more interested in chatting to the gang and listening to your views . One thing you can be sure . I will never let you have anything that I dont fly myself on a regular basis (and I am no hotshot pilot !) . 

I will bring the 190 ,Tempest , Yak and Mossie, plus some kits of the first two in case anyone has a friend that missed the boat .

My Website is pretty much defunct , but my intention is to make a new website this Autumn based around a more limited but continually stocked inventory . The 190/Tempest will be available as starter kits and perhaps a couple of other designs . The Mosquito will join in the new year with a very polished kit with a full gloss manual like the Spitfire . 

Thanks for listening to my ramble . 


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That's excellent new Richard - as you know  the Warbirds Replicas completely passed me by first time round, which is puzzling, given it's my main interest in modelling, but having discovered your wares through this forum I get a very strong sense of kindred spirits in fellow WR enthusiasts. I've found these discussions to be very interesting and bang on the money for how I want to enjoy my hobby and that's been enhanced even further by introducing me to trying some new techniques that I hadn't tried before. What's more is that the results are outstanding - I couldn't be more pleased with my WR FW190 and that 109G by Paul is simply stunning, as are so many other examples of these marvellous kits.  At least one of my WR stash will be hitting the bench in the next few weeks and I'll wait with bated breath for the forthcoming Bf110 and Mosquito.


Sorry that I can't make it to Buckminster next weekend - I'm sure that you'll all have a great time and that there will be lots of pictures to capture just a taste of the event. More power to your elbow sir and, as they say in the fillums - Don't Just Stand There - Get One Up!!

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Glenn , That's correct . I aim to bring the prototype to Buckminster next weekend (unless a freak wind exterminates it this week ) . 

Its not the kit version , but a proving model and it has , so far , flown very nicely . It will be a lot of work to turn this one into the Mossie I want to offer , as I've always felt that this extraordinary design with its unique history really deserves the full nine yards . 

But it is important to me , that this Mosquito is actually a practical solution to what is quite a challenging subject . With that in mind , this will not be the usual "put your hands up , who wants one " (although I will offer it to our gang initially ) , rather an on going, continually stocked item . Consequently , in case anyone who is outside of our Forum wants one , then there will be a proper colour glossy manual , more like the Spitfire . 

Ive flown a few Mosquito's and observed many more and learnt quite a bit about taming the thoroughbred along the way . I think its history is really the ultimate British Aircraft and that is saying something among its peer group .  

But some of the exploits , in particular the low level pin point attacks on Gestapo and other security force strongholds in occupied Europe , quite beyond what almost any other aircraft and crew were asked to do . 

One pilot on TV just this morning was saying that on the approach to Amiens Prison , he flew down the approach beside poplar trees at 12ft , and as he swept over the prison glued to his leaders tail , he looked up at the sentry in a short tower who was looking down at him in disbelief ! What a pilot , what a plane !

The new design is 65" span and will have flaps /retracts (available from us ) and a space for a sound system . I hope it will be quick "ish build ", with lots of my usual tricks to get you there fast . 

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This forum badly needs a "Heart" button - for the times when the "Like" button simply doesn't cut it.


Agree 100% about the historical importance of the Mosquito and it's remarkeable featrs at the hands of it's exceptional crews, Some years ago we were honoured to host a club night where a local heroic Mosquito pilot Jim Weston, regaled us with his stories of his time with 23 Squadron, including flying the Mosquito as a night interdictor. Stirring stuff and I'm sure the WR Mosquito is going to be a huge success.

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Really looking forward to the Mossie as I need to get this Tigercat itch finally  scratched (got as many of those as DH98's!) and hope I have not been missed off the list! I might even try and keep up with Ron on the build.


Unlikely but I could or perhaps should do the scaled down version of the Ta154 and go electric then it could be Mosquito vs Moskito (make sure I use a good wood glue for the Ta154).


Can you send the boys around as I need to get the Power Max one finished, just gutted it needs so much lead in the nose.

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BTW , 

         The kit version will be wood and foam veneer like the 110 /Ju88 . 


         After Buckminster I will authorise the get go on the 110s . At 72" its a predatory beast but flies nicely as Ron will testify . 

BTW3 Don't mention "itchy "Chris , around Sweep , he is due his worming tablet ....

(which is why he has nipped off on what he calls a "luxury River Cruise " a la Jane Mcdonald ) 

It's actually him borrowing Basil Brush's old canal barge and heading of up the London and Manchester with a stash of Cumberland sausages and a barrel of Scrumpy .

(forecast -- "windy " with possible patchy fog ) And that's indoors.  

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50 minutes ago, RICHARD WILLS said:

BTW , 

         The kit version will be wood and foam veneer like the 110 /Ju88 . 


         After Buckminster I will authorise the get go on the 110s . At 72" its a predatory beast but flies nicely as Ron will testify . 

BTW3 Don't mention "itchy "Chris , around Sweep , he is due his worming tablet ....

(which is why he has nipped off on what he calls a "luxury River Cruise " a la Jane Mcdonald ) 

It's actually him borrowing Basil Brush's old canal barge and heading of up the London and Manchester with a stash of Cumberland sausages and a barrel of Scrumpy .

(forecast -- "windy " with possible patchy fog ) And that's indoors.  

less curry should help. The Mossie sounds exciting

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2 hours ago, Chris Walby said:



Scale attack height, we best build a wing of your foamboard mossies...I think we will be a lot less successful with the low level run in.. even at scale speed


Can yours be fitted with bomb release?

Something to think about for next year maybe.


Bomb release, yeah, why not.

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Very good news Richard. You are inspiring  all of us with your enthusiasm to bring us excellent warbirds designs. My P51 and FW190 were great to build and even better to fly. Looking forward to completing my Hurricane and then the next one whatever it is!

Hope the Buckminster event is a big success. A bit too far from north of the border! I’m 


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