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Lemon .... Spektrum compatible .... 6 channel Receivers


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Hmmmmm .......


Just bought 3 Lemon 6 channel  Spektrum compatable receivers.


A bit of an experiment really as the reviews seem generally favourable. Perhaps ( as an experiment ) I should have just bought one to try but at £ 14 a pop when buying in bulk, it was saving £ 9.00 in total. I'm saving around £ 20.00 if I were just to buy one of the Spektrum AR 620 counter parts which I have been buying to date.


I'll try one out on my next foamie ..... the FMS 1700mm Supercub thingy. If it bodes well, I'll save my Spektrum units for other models.


I had looked at some of their other larger RX's but don't want to try them until I can determine their ability and reliability for myself. They are meant to be 100% Spektrum compatible ....... time will tell.



Edited by toto
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I've got few Lemons now. 6 and 7ch non telemetry and 7ch, 10ch telemetry with 3 axis gyro. Excellent receivers, so far no issues. I use them with my Radiomaster TX16s and they have been rock solid. All new receivers I buy now are Lemons as i have found them far more reliable and far cheaper than Spektrum stuff. I do still have an old Spektrum Dx6i but that is only used for boats these days.

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Thank you guys ..... music to my ears.


One 6 channel Lemon ...... £ 14.00 versus one Spektrum AR 620 £ 60.00 .... provided there are no comparability issues .....I know what I'll be buying in future.. I feel a bit of bulk buying coming on. :classic_laugh:


Maybe a couple of 8 channels.


I have invested quite heavily in some of the Spektrum smart and Avian ranges as I'd like to play around with some of the various feed backs and GPS and other possible features ( just as an interest ) so may keep my spektrum receivers for those set ups purely as a guarantee of comparability..... they will do no harm sitting there until I am ready for it ( a long way off ) but as my Granny used to say " they wont eat a piece ".





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41 minutes ago, Dave Brooks said:

Hi Toto, 

If you don't mind my asking, where are you purchasing your lemon receivers from please? I could do with couple too!

Many thanks,


I get mine from fellow modeller Stuart Mackay, who is on ebay as planesamtheman and is  very helpful, plus you are guaranteed that these are the real deal, direct from the manufacture..

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I would not use them for anything that flies!


Tested with two DX8 gen 1's on two Lemon 8 channel RX's with exactly the same result (RX's bought at different times). TX and RX bound and passed range check. Tested at the flying field with no model, just RX battery and 3 servos.


I then decided to walk across the flying field with the TX while my wife watched the servos moving  and about 100 m in a arc around position of the RX it lost signal. I have flown plenty of models on DSM2 and DSMX with both TX's and not had any issues. This was a lightbulb moment as one of the RX's had been in a TN small balsa model that had crashed a few times (had a wicked tip stall) and assumed it was pilot error due to loss of orientation, but the arc of lost signal coincided with the non landing crashes.


First point is that once I now I know there is an issue then from a safety perspective I can't use them and secondly I am not prepared to let any model of any value lawn dart itself due to a known issue.


Lots of other people with different TX models and RX's have not had issues, but not in my case with two TX's and two RX's 

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11 hours ago, Simon Chaddock said:


Lemon are my "go to" Spektrum receivers, all 6 channel both normal and stabilised. All used in foamies with my DX6i. Never had a moments trouble with any of them. Which more than I can say for the same type Orange receivers!

Have you got the dual or single antenna aerial type?


Indeed. Orange RX (a Hobbyking brand) have a very up and down reputation, with numerous incidents of poor QA causing some batches to have issues. Lemon on the other hand are completely independent and have an almost universally good rep. I have only used the cheap DSM2 6ch with my multiprotocol module, but I've never had any issues. I'd certainly trust them more with my MPM transmitters than a genuine Spektrum, and obviously they come without the huge prices that are now HH's calling card.

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21 hours ago, Chris Walby said:

Tested with two DX8 gen 1's on two Lemon 8 channel RX's with exactly the same result (RX's bought at different times). TX and RX bound and passed range check. Tested at the flying field with no model, just RX battery and 3 servos.


22 hours ago, Chris Walby said:

I would not use them for anything that flies!

It seems odd that everyone but Chris has found them satisfactory......   If just 1 was faulty then such things happen and it seems it was a previously crashed item anyway.  If 2 were faulty  I suppose it is reasonable to ask Chris what he did to check further?   When  the 2nd one was checked and found to have lost signal was the battery checked?  Could a genuine Spektrum Rx pass the same test?  ( not in a model so was Rx actually on the ground or held in a hand etc? )    Was the Tx actually on DSM2 or DSMX? 

Normally if the model passes a range test most people would not test further but Chris did on this occasion.  Was it done specially to test a Lemon and was a similar check done with Spektrum Rx for comparison?


I raise these points because I have a Lemon 6 ch ready to use in a model and wonder if I should use it or not!   

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Like every other brand ..... some slip through QC department with issues I think. We are reading more and more of that.


I think I am like you and many others, if the majority of reviews are positive with the odd rogue, you pay your money and take your chances. A bit like my Overiander ESC issues.


I know its not the definitive answer you'd like .... sorry, but I think based on what I 've read so far ..... I'd give it a go ..... I'm not being flippant as it would be your model that may suffer as a result ..... however ....... I am prepared to put my money where my mouth is as I have a few of these Lemon receivers in various guises on route as I type.


I hope whatever you decide works out.



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Wow Simon, just wow.. 


Do you fly that in a park, probably not.


Would love to see that in flight .


Lemons, a bit of a bad name but have heard they are good, and at a fantastic price too.


If Rx was new and faulty, every form of production can have problems, crap happens, send it back. I would contact manufacturer/importer to keep them in the loop. It also helps the shop.


If Rx number two ( same model and manufacturer etc. ) Was new and faulty, coincidence, crap happens. Again, contact manufacturer/importer etc., I am sure they would be interested...


If Rx number 3, new, was faulty, this would suggest something is quite wrong, possibly very wrong, needing an in depth investigation, possibly a recall even 


Find one insect, expect to find a million.  I have absolutely a feeling these comments will be pooh poohed quite shortly.


Free speech and all that, a  principle I support " to the hilt".

Edited by Rich Griff
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I have used a few Lemon Rx, both stabilised and conventional flavours.

Have I had an unexplained crash - yes - but the Tx was later found to be faulty, so in retrospect, I don't think that the Lemon was at fault.

Now that I have a new (multi protocol) Tx, I may well dig it out of the drawer (I never throw anything away - why?) and give it a thorough check before trying it out on a cheap foamy.

I would have no hesitation in using Lemon rx in the future, the Gen2 stabilised in particular, but will probably also use an additional satellite rx, particularly in larger planes.

Also the Lemon Rx designer is active over on the RCGroups forum (username fmak) and he seems very pro-active if there is any chance of a faulty unit, which does inspire some confidence.


p.s. I'm also thinking of getting a Lemon tx module for my Taranis, to use it as a back up to my Radiomaster TX16S Mk2 on the DSMX protocol 'just in case'

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