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The Big Question ?


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4 hours ago, RICHARD WILLS said:

Ah , the repeat offenders are coming out from under the couch again . 

Listen , Ive sweet talked Phill into doing a batch , but I'm warning you now , there wont be another run  after that .

So please , no bleaters or whiners after the event . 

Think of it as an upmarket Aldi offer 😁


Is that just for bf110’s Richard?


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The 110 is an aside really for those that missed the first run , or that crunched their precious first one . 

It does not require me to do more designing and is far more appealing to Phill the kit cutter as he has done it before . 

Other projects are being developed but do take a lot more time . 

We only ever sold 25 110s in the initial run but it was an excellent subject that generated loads of interest on the forum . 

I do listen to all my customers on here and I'm aware that some missed the boat on the first run . I also have to remember that lots of us have financial constraints that mean timing of a new model may not fit with their budget at the time . 

I tell you what though Glenn , you wont be left out 😉 (buzz) 

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Happy to wait for the Mossie, but it would be rude not to have a ME110 to complement it in the electric hanger.


I have enough challenges with the current Mossie 



And before anyone says the engine should be inverted, been there and tried that! 😉 Engine fits and 12mm for a tank so sidewinder it is.




And engines are the least of the challenges!


At least when the WR Mossie comes out we will know two important things:

  1. It will fly well.
  2. It will not be an ultra complex build with head scratching at every turn.

PS "All good things come to he who waits"


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I sort of feel sorry for Richard (only a little bit), anyone who has built one of his kits immediately want him to produce their favourite aeroplane. Please could we have a DC3 and an Airspeed Oxford next, no rush, in time for Christmas would be fine............. Oh, and a Robin DR500 from the WR (Civilian Light Aircraft Subsidiary Department)???

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6 minutes ago, David Holland 2 said:

I sort of feel sorry for Richard (only a little bit), anyone who has built one of his kits immediately want him to produce their favourite aeroplane. Please could we have a DC3 and an Airspeed Oxford next, no rush, in time for Christmas would be fine............. Oh, and a Robin DR500 from the WR (Civilian Light Aircraft Subsidiary Department)???

Yeah agree - how about a lovely JU290? I’m sure it will sell well with the masses! 🤣🤣🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️

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14 minutes ago, chris meek 1 said:

Chris what kit/plan is it? 

Its a Power Max Mosquito about 95 inch and will be pulled along with a couple of Laser 155's. Foam glassed wings and glass fuselage. Current major head scratching is where the C of G will end up as its quite tail heavy. If it needs lead so be it, but nice if I didn't have to!

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As I've already said, I don't need one of this new batch as I already have one but have done nothing with it.  I will build it this Winter so I thought it wise to drag it out of the loft to check.  The high heat/ cold cannot be good for anything but I have no choice than to store things up there.  

Anyway, I've dragged it out and inspected it all and it's still in excellent shape.  I'd ordered the stickers, retracts and resin exhausts at the time so spinners are all I need.  I'd also bought a matched pair of Laser 70 four strokes for the plane.  I went to see Jon at Laser, (remember them?) and he suggested that they can be made to fit but would be too powerful.  He further suggested using 3 bladed props to lose some of the power so that's what I'll do.

The inspection revealed all the parts cut out to the same high standard and the foam wings look great.  Sadly I've packed it all away for another day, I already have another build halfway through that I hope to finish for next year, a Boulton Paul Defiant.

Anyway, here's a snap of the bits, remember, this is from the original batch from 2017.  I've no reason to believe that the second batch won't be identical, but just to be clear.



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I think that we may not get the retracts but that is a not a problem as they are available from a number of sources. I'll measure mine later and post the details on here, they are nothing special (HobbyKing) but lasted well. The biggest problem with retracts in this model is that they are working in the 'wrong' direction, they are designed for legs that open out perpendicular to the direction of flight, whereas in the BF110 they open out in line which means that a landing load is transmitted directly onto the worm drive and retract casing. The curly piano wire legs help as they absorb the sock load on landing but the curly bit needs to be away from the retract body to allow it to close. Some form of elastomer pad that the retracts fix to may help.

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