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I could be the only one


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Yesterday, the better half and myself walked down to the beach, probably 200 yards. Then walked about a mile along it. The air had a cold chill, the Gulls were not even to be seen in any numbers, just a solitary Cormorant, Shag, or similar could be seen in the distance. Both of us with our full Arctic Gear being worn. Still I shivered.

It was notable that the parked cars of day trippers that have recently been filling the coast road were absent. Even the dog walkers were few and far between. Local walkers and joggers were also mostly absent.

So it was a surprise when we happened upon two fellow golfers at my wives club. A discussion between these women generally centred on how long, when will we, playing golf again. Just to emphasis we all were about 3 metres apart, the whole time.

As we continued our walk, into the biting breeze, noting that the fresh water percolating from the sand dunes formed puddles of iced water, I ruminated internally with respect to the distress that these woman felt.

I then thought four years ago, I flew models daily, either at was then my club field or the 9 hole golf course at the back of our house. Having moved there was no chance of flying on any of the now local golf courses. Even those closed due to ground conditions. I flew mostly 2-3 times a week pre lock.

Lock down reduced flying to once in 9 months.

I then thought, I no longer miss flying as I had done, I am not desperate to fly any models as I was was. The few models I have completed and built during lock down, await being flown. But I think if I see them take to the air once will be enough etc.

Now i do ponder, is an age thing, as I am now officially as well as sometimes feeling old. Catching a glimpse of myself in my bathroom mirror, comes as a shock, who is that old man? I am not consciously aware that I am no longer in my thirties.

Or perhaps it is all the build and other things that I do during lock down , are seen as more interesting

Even the BMFA area meetings are now Zoom. I no longer have to go out.

All of this had me thinking, even a small number behaving as I now do, could be further bad news for our hobby, the trade and potentially the BMFA membership. Although just like NT i would be reluctant to drop out of the movements, as in principle they are worth supporting.

Then I pondered, both the BMFA and NT rely on a small number of members who voluntarily make things happen, at club, and the competitions.

So, are others still enthused , barely able to contain themselves, as they await release from lock down. Or have other interests taken over?

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It will be a mixture of all those things I suspect. It may also be that once you fly again you may rekindle the flame.

I am just cheesed off at not being able too. I suppose we just have to be grateful we have the opportunity. There are many who wont be able to return. Makes you think

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you may be correct erfolg,i reckon when this is over(When) that a lot of people will have changed their ways, routines and interests...what effect this will have on our hobby...who knows, one of my wife's relatives in Derby hasn't been able to get a game of golf in since October, due to course closure, and shielding...but at the end of the day we are still on our perches which is the main thing...

ken anderson...ne...1..perches dept.

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I need to get flying shots of my Minimax and do want to fly although the snow outside does dampen ones ardour somewhat to say the least.

However I am having trouble finding something that I really want to build

The worst thing is that I can actually see our pit area from my bedroom window. Now try THAT for temptation

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We had already seen a drop in members flying at out field before the last lockdown .A lot said they did not want to fly again until this virus was totally under control .Now when I have met a few at our local supermarket shopping some have told me they doubt they will re join the model flying club this year. Commenting on all this crap about reg with the CAA and now the virus they have had enough of all the red tape ,it is not a hobby anymore .To much red tape and restrictions .Already our club membership is down this year sad

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Posted by Peter Miller on 16/01/2021 14:49:35:

I need to get flying shots of my Minimax and do want to fly although the snow outside does dampen ones ardour somewhat to say the least.

However I am having trouble finding something that I really want to build

The worst thing is that I can actually see our pit area from my bedroom window. Now try THAT for temptation

Ditto. Apart from the having trouble finding something to build. I have LOTS to build and fortunately had the foresight to stock up on balsa over 12 months ago.

Interesting perspective Erfolg. The important thing is that you are not becoming negative about it and appear to be looking for positive outcomes and new directions. yes

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I miss flying a lot. I've also lost some of the enthusiasm for building (I've been idling for a couple of weeks) mainly because without being able to fly what I've built makes it seem a bit pointless. I think it may not be just the flying I miss but the social contact at the fileld - it's the only place I meet or speak any club members so I'm fairly solitary. I also seem to be losing concentration in that reading a full length book is a chore and I've been an avid reader since I was 7 or 8 - over 70 years.

As to remaining a member of organisations I generally keep them up. I'm still a member of the YHA despite not having sayed at a hostel fro years (we used to spend every Christmas at a Lakeland hostel - mostly Patterdale). I'm still in the the CTC (now CyclingUK) despite riding a lot less than formerly but we've let our Tandem Club membership lapse which is a big thing because I was on the committee for years and edited the magazine. We were regular attenders (and organisers) at numerous international rallies.

Things change, we get old, pandemics limit our lives. It was ever thus, though we don't realise it until we happen to look back and see how creeping changes have suddenly resulted in big changes.

I also love the sun (not so keen on the Sun ) but preferbaly spring/summer sun because in the winter it gets in my eyes and I can't see.


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Reading Erfolg's writing made me wonder whether 'Erfolg' is just a pen name for that chap Whittaker who writes in all the magazines....... only joking! But it's good descriptive atmospheric stuff.

It does seem that many of us feel the same way. Not going to the flying field or whatever interest you have means you don't get that competetive urge - the spirit that " if he can do that then I can do it......and I can do it better" The thing that makes the world progress.

I think we will all have to try very hard to get back to normal and well before the end of this year.

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Want to build but there's no wood yet. I want to go flying but need to make some changes first (changeover to electric) once things are easier.

I work a lot, work away a lot, have 3 kids, wife and a dog.

There's not much in the way of time to do anything much except grab a glass of Whisky before I head to bed!

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Hi Erfolg

i know how you feel, I have just got some enthusiasm (but not a lot) up to try and finish 3 planes, I started before lockdown was even thought of.

The car needed an MOT this week, and that was on my mind for days before hand. I didn’t want to go out. Although I’m happy to go to the allotment, in between this continual rain. I suppose I know I will be on my own.

I also haven’t missed flying, or fishing, mainly as now I can’t stand the cold. I flew all year and fished every other Sunday, but not now. I must admit I can’t wait to get back to NORMAL, not as one has commented about the new normal.

At our age I feel I have been robbed of a year or more, a time that we cannot afford to give up. A year we will never get back no matter what.

This time last year, we were just packing, and getting ready to go on a cruise, not realising that the world was about to go mad and ruin everything.
So I’m sure most of our feelings at the moment are down to what we are living through, and our age, as we are all missing what we have had taken away. Hopefully we will get our mojo back when we have had the vaccine and can see a real light at the end of the tunnel, not just a candle flickering.


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There will be a new normal, although it has always been so, it is just we never notice the change.

Increasingly it does seem that the Corona Virus will be here for a long time, if not forever.

One of my concerns stems from just building a KK Quick Build Mermaid boat. I have the impression that so few boar models are now built, that common accessories, are so infrequently purchased, they have become a niche market, that parts are quite expensive for so little, in many cases. If I am anything near being correct, so many of our distributors be less than attractive as business, other than small trader status. I fear that the furlough system is at present hiding a lot of the now unemployed. I am certain that the new normal will employ the vast majority and more.

I still have reservations with respect to the continued additions and changes as far as our hobby is concerned, and potentially the negative implications that they may bring. There has been to many Ostriches about, saying there are no material changes that change how we play.

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I've been hearing a lot about the effects of lockdown and concerns around the virus on rates of depression recently. As sensible intelligent modellers, this could never happen to us...

But is there a clear line between "normal" and depressed? I do wonder if this is affecting a large proportion of the population to varying degrees. Last winter, I was heavily involved in a club mass build project and through the year, when not flying, put a lot of time and effort into a major rebuild of my 1955 Land-Rover.

However, I've noticed over the last month or so that I'm having trouble motivating myself to leave my PC and get on with anything outside (yes, the weather doesn't help but it has never held me back before). Maybe it's the mental strain of participating in moderating this forum!

I'm currently trying to kickstart myself by combining my armchair lethargy with designing and 3D printing some detailing components for my Tempest build such as exhaust stubs and a radiator/oil cooler which will incorporate cooling ducting to the cylinders of the Laser V twin that is gagging for some exercise.

Maybe there's a common factor as both projects are in the preparation and painting stage which I don't enjoy as much as the underlying structural and mechanical work but I do think the current situation has quite a bearing on my lack of enthusiasm!

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I think we've all changed.

My leisure time expectations have certainly lowered, and become more insular as we stay indoors more. I'm an outdoors kind of bloke, but the flying field is shut and my music clubs are suspended for the duration.

However, I'm making sure that I get out of the house to take the dogs for a long walk at least once a day, and I can feel the elation of returning home breathless and ready for a meal (or a beer) afterwards.

I'm steadily building models, and there's a little queue of models waiting to be maidened now.

I'm taking part in three music Zoom sessions every week, and they've become a major part of my routine. Nowhere as good as meeting up in the local pub for a uke jam, but a LOT better than nothing at all.

So, I think that at the moment, my interests are still active, but my expectations are (temporarily, I hope) lowered.


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It's August since I last flew, other than from the garden, and November since I've been further than the gate. Initially my enthusiasm was unabashed, but just lately, with about ten models waiting for maiden flights, I'm not finding myself as motivated to spend the whole day in the workshop. I didn't expect that, but I've got to the painting stage of my Kyosho Spitfire refurb and that has now stalled as a result. I still get out there for a couple of hours a day, but it's not the same and I don;t want to start anything new, with repairs still in the wings. I'm still working full time remotely from home and put a full day in, every weekday.

Much of the attraction of model flying is getting out and meeting your pals at the field and that simply hasn't been possible. I'm lucky that I can step out of the back door and fly from the garden, over the fields, but I can count on one hand the number of times I've done that since August - not a big fan of just flying on my own. I'm also missing getting out and listening to live music a lot - online sessions and virtual gigs are a poor substitute.

I'd hoped that the vaccine roll out would see us all vaccinated by the spring and in a position to get back to something more normal. It's looking like that will be more like the middle of the summer now.

Hopefully this too shall pass.

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Just to make you all feel really bad, it is summer here, lockdown finished over 9 months ago and (I see Tim mentions it) ukulele evenings have been running again since about May 2020 (last year). Flying, yes, during lockdown as there was plenty of spacing. What we did have during lockdown was lots out walking or bicycling, all well spaced. A car on the road seemed to be an intruder.

OK, something has to be wrong. Yes, blowing half a gale today and been a wet summer so far.

One thing noticeable was poor English used by the news media. Talk of "social distancing" when they meant "physical distancing". During lockdown we'd have 25 - 30 people in our lounge each week (ukulele evening), social distancing to a minimum - via ZOOM. Physical distancing varied, it was 10 - 20 kilometres.

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Here in France we are allowed to fly providing we maintain social, ok physical distancing. There were four models in the air at the same time yesterday afternoon. I only flew my foamy trainer for four minutes before landing it because it was so cold!

Most of us have taken to wearing masks when out in the street though I don't think it's compulsory. However, there is a curfew here between 6am and 6pm when we have to be at home.

I built four new models last year. I am currently renovating my Baron ready for a coompetition scheduled for 12th June. Fingers crossed.

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I am really really looking forward to restrictions easing in a month or two.........

I miss the VERY short trip to the field and the random, mostly hobby related chat.

Have been using the time well - I think so, anyway! SIG UFF now fully brought back to life; Alt ditto, SE5 95% fixed. In all, got about 20 serviceable planes ready to go. Have also done some planned decommissioning and general 'tidying'.

Have also made a start on my Seagull P47 kit, and the Tiggy from VMC that will be rc and electric. I would have spent more time pottering with my toy planes if it wasn't so cold

Flying fix comes from heli in back garden, teeny quad in house.

Stay safe everyone, things WILL get better.


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